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James Parker

The Future of Solar Energy

The Future of Solar Energy

The Sun is bright.

That's not just stating the obvious. One cannot stress enough the importance of the rays of the Sun. This is because they can provide energy to the entire Earth and then some. And that is just one second of the Sun's intensity that we are talking about.

Over the last few decades, reliance on solar energy has been negligent. However, the past few years tell a different story altogether. As technological advancements lower the cost of solar energy, more people are becoming reliant on it.

What is the future of solar energy? Let's find out!

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is produced through solar panels that generate energy through the Sun's rays. This can be stored in batteries and consumed over time.

The Bright Future of Solar Energy

The future of solar energy depends on the cost of production of said energy. This cost depends on solar panels.

Solar panels can be expensive due to the silicon required to make them. The more the requirement for unique silicon, the higher the cost. However, technological advancements are making it possible to reduce solar energy costs.

Issues with Solar Cells

Before discussing the revolutions in solar panel technology, let's go over some challenges that had increased the cost of solar cells in the past.

1. Cost of cell production

Silicon material has been popularly used to make solar panels as the size of the gap between the valence and conduction bands within silicon has been high. Material plays a big role in solar energy production as it determines how much energy jumps into the valence band.

Silicon is good at capturing energy from light. However, it was expensive in the past. This was due to limitations in the kinds of solar panels. It also stemmed from the amount of energy one cell could produce.

These factors have recently undergone massive revolutions. Moreover, the cost of solar panel production and installation has decreased as more players in the market fight to reduce their cost of production.

2. Labor cost

The labor cost invested in solar energy production has also decreased over time. This reduction has resulted from higher solar energy production levels and increased employment within the solar energy sector.

So what is the future of solar energy? What kinds of advancements can we expect to witness?

Technologically Advanced Solutions

1. Increased Exposure to Sunlight

Intelligent solar panels should be able to move with the Sun. Researchers are trying to insert implants that will allow panels to move their faces as the Sun goes down, much like a sunflower. This allows them to capture the light of the Sun throughout the day, and not just when the Sun is high up in the sky.

2. Increased Energy Conversion

Another arena being explored by scientists and researchers worldwide is increasing the amount of energy converted per cell. This targets the efficiency of the cell. More layers of material can lead to greater absorption of light.

Efficient material is harder to manufacture. Not everyone has the expertise to produce it; even if they do, it is costly. Technology and research have employed combined efforts towards tackling this issue. As a result, we may see lower energy costs in the future.

3. Decreased Material Cost

The future of solar energy primarily depends upon the cost involved in producing one cell. The thinner the cell, the more the absorption of rays that can be converted into more energy. However, thin cells are hard to manufacture as the material is hard to work with.

Technological advancements are working towards reducing the cost of production by inventing methods that can make the production of cells easier. This will combine expertise with artificial intelligence and machine learning to accomplish previously unexplored feats.

Other Solutions

Earth cannot possibly be witness to all of the solar power that the Sun can produce. Not in one place and one time, at least. This is because, at one place and time, the existence of the Sun is intermittent. It comes and goes as it pleases, leaving us to scramble for some solar energy in a limited period of time.

What if we could harness the energy of the Sun all day?

The advantage of fossil fuels and nuclear power is based on the fact that they work all day long. However, solar energy is only produced during the day. This wastes land and resources. However, producing solar energy on a massive scale is possible.

Solar cells are known to power many satellites in space. Why can we not use them to power Earth? Scientists are exploring the possibilities today. Who knows, tomorrow, we may have a world run solely on solar power.

Become a Part of a Solar-Powered Future!

Solar Connect makes sure you and your family leave a better place for your children to live in. It allows you to use Texas' days in the Sun and produce sustainable energy that can power your homes without wreaking havoc on the environment.

Rely on Solar Connect's fast and quality services, the benefits of which stay with you long after installation. Contact Solar Connect today and get a quote!

Final Thoughts

The future of solar energy is as bright as the Sun. We are light years away from the one energy source that can power all of Earth. Thus, any advancement made in the field of renewable energy needs to start on Earth itself.

Time and resources spent on solar energy today will lead to a better tomorrow. Our investment in solar energy counts towards a brighter future.

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